Communicate your way

LetsBe collaborates with certified health professional consultants that work hand-in-hand with companies and its employees for a personalised, individual and safe experience. Our coaches are fully trained to listen, care and empower across the company, from CEOs to employees.

Life coaches
Fitness coaches
Work coaches

Who will I work with?

LetsBe's professional, qualified and trained health professional consultants will guide you in your journey to a healthier lifestyle and mindset. As a member, you can benefit from a personalised experience and have someone who will be available to listen to all your worries.


You can take control of their body and mind with the engaging support, safe guidance and confidential feedback from our coaches.

Nutrition guidance

You can adapt and improve their dietary intake to boost their health and nutritional status with confidential guidance and ongoing support from our experts.

Healthy work-life balance

Achieving a healthy balanced lifestyle in and out of work can be accomplished with the help and encouragement of our coaches.

Workout routines

The journey to a healthier, fitter and confident lifestyle will be supported by our experts to boost your self-confidence and ability by combining systematic coaching with fitness tips.

LetsBe’s Code of Ethics

LetsBe health professional consultants all adhere to a strict code of ethics, ensuring transparency, integrity, confidentiality and respect for companies, employees and the surrounding impacted communities.



Confidentiality vis-à-vis Any Information Learned Through A Session

Respect Of Caval Members, Community, And Staff

LetsBe’s Data privacy

LetsBe takes company and employee privacy and confidentiality very seriously. Anything shared with our experts is strictly confidential, safe and private with no data access from LetsBe. For more information, take a look at the LetsBe Privacy Policy