Vision for employee empowerment

LetsBe can help transform companies by adapting and guiding employees’ well-being and performance through employee rewards, empowering education, and health professional consultant support. Staff will confidentially engage one-on-one with our expertise to, in turn, perform at their optimum level.


Every company has a vision, strategy, annual objectives and an action plan to execute its goals. Execution is fulfilled by employees, under the guidance of their department heads and managers.


Without the right execution, even the greatest strategy will never be achieved. This is why it is important to ensure that employees have the tools, capabilities and motivation to perform.


Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.
During execution, each team member should aim to be at top of their game to achieve their objectives.

Being fit and healthy

Companies aim for a workforce that is fully present, motivated and high performing. The health and wellness of employees directly correlates to their productivity, and quantity and quality of their output.

What if…?

…Each employee was nurtured to be the best that they can, empowered and inspired to reach their goals – both at work and at home?

We focus our efforts to transform employees to become their best selves – accomplished, and most of all, happy. This in turn leads to a better and more productive workforce and environment.



Employees in the programme will be invited to participate in mental exercises to determine their core strengths and areas of improvement. Various coaches will then help members build on these core strengths, as well as close any improvement gaps.



Employees will be monitored, coached and encouraged to adopt healthier lifestyles. They will be empowered and inspired to be physically fit and healthy.



Participating employees will be rewarded for their health and fitness performances.



Our aim is to prevent our members from getting sick, but illnesses and emergencies do happen. We offer exclusive medical insurance, packaged by our partner(s), so that employees don’t need to think twice about getting the right treatment.

Transformation – Unleashing staff potential

Employees are supported to achieve their work goals, realise their potential, and become empowered through professional and personal development.
Together with LetsBe, companies will help nurture their workforce to be energised and perform at optimum level.
We aim to educate, support and reward your staff to help meet your strategic goals.


We make sure that we understand the mission of our customers. We will work on you on how to meet your objectives set out for your employees.
Executives receive decision-making support with our coaches throughout the year.


We work hand-in-hand with companies to help decide on the areas needed to measure work performance. We then find any performance gaps that need to be addressed to enhance individual performance, and in turn, contribute to overall increase in productivity.


Employees are promised rewards based on their fitness performance and the number of steps they take. These performances will be measured, and their progress evaluated.

Employee support and empowerment

Juggling work and life can often feel overwhelming. LetsBe provides confidential guidance, health and wellness monitoring, one-to-one customised health professional guidance, a secure and safe space to talk openly, motivating competitions and prizes, and the encouragement to create an impact through movement.

We can help:

  • Enhance health and well-being

  • Encourage healthier lifestyles

  • Ensure confidentiality and privacy

  • Boost morale at work and home

  • Provide peace of mind

CEO and Executive support

Sitting in the CEO seat can be a lonely and demanding task. LetsBe can help guide CEOs and Executives by providing guidance on implementing and executing strategies, offering insightful and engaging feedback, promoting positive interaction with staff and customers, and providing insight on achieving SDG goals and company ranking.

We can help:
- Boost cost efficiencies
- Reduce burnout
- Decrease absenteeism
- Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reputation
- Improve company productivity

LetsBe works closely with companies, like yours, to understand their goals, aspirations and objectives. CEOs and Executives have the opportunity to liaise with our experts and work coaches to make decisive, positive and constructive decisions, based on their yearly targets.

How the Caval Be Smartwatch works to unlock benefits


  • Online work performance coach

  • Get rewards for better work

  • Work performance-related tasks


  • Fitness coach advice based on your fitness capabilities

  • Fitness videos

  • More activity equals more gifts

  • Monitoring progress and calories burnt


1 Standby online consultants to advise you

  • Doctors

  • Nutritionists

  • Life coaches

  • Fitness coaches

  • Work coaches

2 Immediate Medical Insurance

3 Online appointments


  • Win prizes for health and fitness performance

  • Receive gifts for number of steps walked

  • Compare performance with your work peers


  • Give back with your steps

  • Help vulnerable children by donating from your steps taken

Events, talks and competitions

LetsBe members have access to various health and wellness events, talks and competitions throughout the year – from sports events to medical and nutrition talks, and wellness workshops to game-based competitions.


  • Smart Watch
  • Health Consultant
  • Online/Face to Face
  • Medical Dooctor
  • Nutritionist
  • Work Coach
  • Life Coach
  • Fitness Trainer
  • Child Sponorship or Gift
  • Company Suport
  • Dedicated Liaison
  • Live Talks
  • Events
  • Games
  • Report on General Trends
  • Executives Support

Rs. 1,500

  • Free
  • Online
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Rs. 200
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • No

Rs. 1,995

  • Free
  • Online
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Rs. 200
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No

Rs. 2,500

  • Free
  • Online
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Rs. 400
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • Will be Gifted a Training Sneakers During the Year

Rs. 8,000

  • Free
  • Face to Face
  • Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Rs. 400
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes